Confidence Wins!

Written by Bernie

Bernie Frazier, SPHR is the Founder and President of CAREERCompass, LLC, a speaking and career coaching firm in St. Louis, MO. She also spent almost 25 years recruiting talent to six organizations across four industries and led the talent acquisition function for four of those organizations, including one global team.

Whether working or in a job search, confidence wins!  Confidence is attractive, infectious, and comforting. Comforting? Yes, comforting. When you convey to another that you trust your own knowledge, capability, and effort to accomplish something, it can be very comforting to the recipient.

Employers LOVE confidence in candidates – not cockiness or arrogance, but pure confidence. Why?

Confidence smiles – When employees feel good about themselves or what they have to offer or can do, that good feeling comes through their face and has a positive effect on others. Employers always want employees who can help to create a positive work environment.

Confidence leads – Employees who are confident often want to lead others. Because they believe they “know the way,” they want to help others know it too. Confident employees don’t try to hold shining stars back for fear of being overshadowed. Employers always want employees who are strong leaders. Strong leaders often know how to lead and develop strong employees!

Confidence reaches – Even when confident employees aren’t familiar with an effort, because they believe in themselves, they are usually willing to try new things. Employers always want employees who are willing to stretch and grow, and bring new information and ideas to their organization.

Confidence corrects – When confident employees make a mistake, they are comfortable in owning up to that mistake and quick to make corrections. When confident employees are leaders, they are also willing to hold others accountable to high standards and correct them properly when they miss the mark. Employers always want employees who can admit and correct mistakes.

If you’re an employer, I’m sure you’re nodding your head vigorously right now – there’s nothing better than having a strong, confident employee. If you’re a job search candidate, whether on the job or in search of a job, the level of confidence you demonstrate to others can have a profound effect on the results you get.

Until next time….