Are You Being Lazy in Your Job Search?

Written by Bernie

Bernie Frazier, SPHR is the Founder and President of CAREERCompass, LLC, a speaking and career coaching firm in St. Louis, MO. She also spent almost 25 years recruiting talent to six organizations across four industries and led the talent acquisition function for four of those organizations, including one global team.

Last week, I finally found some time to catch up on some well-deserved TV watching.  One of the shows I watched focused on the difficulty many are experiencing in finding a job in these tough economic times.  The main person in the story was a seasoned career executive who had been out of work for 18 months.  He had a positive demeanor (despite his circumstances), professional presence and what seemed to be a solid work background.

So, why hasn’t he found a job?

That was my first question.  However, as I continued to watch, his problem became apparent.  He had been lazy in his search!  For 18 months, the only thing he’s done to try and find a job is go to an outplacement center everyday and submit on-line applications.

If you haven’t learned anything else while following this blog, please know that I am a STRONG advocate for trying multiple approaches to a job search.  While moving out of your comfort zone is never easy, if you don’t want to end up unemployed for 18 months or longer, you must stretch yourself.

If you aren’t familiar with social media and social networking, I’m sure you know at least one young person who is.  Ask him/her to show you how to use these options to get yourself and your credentials out there for others to see.  You’re shy and aren’t good at meeting people?  No problem!  Find someone who will partner with you to network with others.  Better yet, hire a great career coach who can show you how to network! (hint, hint)

In today’s labor market, it is highly competitive.  If you are to be the one to hear, “You’re hired,” you’re going to have to do more than the basics.  To only rely on one (outdated!) method to find a job will truly do you a disservice.  Take a chance and try new things.  By incorporating multiple efforts in your search, you greatly increase your chances of landing the job you want.

Until next time….