Your Attitude = Your Altitude

Written by Bernie

Bernie Frazier, SPHR is the Founder and President of CAREERCompass, LLC, a speaking and career coaching firm in St. Louis, MO. She also spent almost 25 years recruiting talent to six organizations across four industries and led the talent acquisition function for four of those organizations, including one global team.

Slide1Years ago, I heard the saying, “It’s your attitude that determines your altitude.”  This was one of those sayings that really grabbed me because of the power of its truth. 

As a former recruiting leader and people manager, I had thousands of opportunities to see how people’s attitudes helped or hindered them from achieving what they wanted.  From the candidates who showed up to my department with a bad attitude because no one responded to their on-line application, to the employee who always kept a smile and good attitude even after being corrected –  the impact of their attitudes played a major role in my response.  

True confession – For all of the candidates who showed up with a bad attitude, I immediately accessed their application in our system and marked their status as “Do Not Contact.”  If you have a bad attitude before you even get an interview, exactly what kind of employee would you be?  Yikes!  For the employee who always kept a good attitude, I worked with her for a year until there was just no improving her skills – even then, I helped her find a more suitable position in another department.  She’s still there. 

Organizations do not want employees with bad attitudes!  Let me repeat this, 


When you’re searching for a job, or even while on a job, moments will certainly come your way to test your will and patience.  However, the attitude you display toward others can determine whether you end up soaring at 30,000 feet or simply trudging along, barely putting one foot in front of the other!


Until next time….