Beauty and the Job: What Price Must Be Paid?

Written by Bernie

Bernie Frazier, SPHR is the Founder and President of CAREERCompass, LLC, a speaking and career coaching firm in St. Louis, MO. She also spent almost 25 years recruiting talent to six organizations across four industries and led the talent acquisition function for four of those organizations, including one global team.

A while back I read a Newsweek article which talked about the role looks play in getting a job.  Since I thought it was interesting, I want to share it with you and add my two cents as a veteran recruiter turned career coach. 

As much as people don’t want to hear this, it’s true; at least to some degree.  While I’m not aware of any recruiter (at least none I know!) who would hire someone strictly based on looks, I’d be willing to bet that most recruiters would hire the more attractive person if they interviewed two people with similar sets of credentials.

Why, you ask?

I don’t know.  It could be our society’s ridiculous pre-occupation with physical appearance and our inability to resist it.  It could be because even the Bible says, “While man looks at the outward appearance, God judges the heart.”  If God said it, it must be true, right?  Whatever the reason, it’s wrong and we all know it.

However, there are many things in our society that are wrong, but they still are.  If you feel others would overlook you because of your physical appearance, there are a few things you can do to help your cause:

1.  Work very hard to make your credentials as strong as they can be.  As a recruiter, even if you have someone in your office who’s drop-dead gorgeous, it’s next to impossible to pass up a candidate with really strong credentials!

2.  Smile!  It sounds simple, but people who have a pleasant demeanor always help themselves by showing it to others.  No one wants to hire or work with a curmudgeon!

3.  Dress one level up.  There’s an old saying that applies here – “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”  Make sure your clothes are nice (not necessarily expensive); meaning they are clean and pressed, fit well, colors that bring out your features, appropriate for the occasion, etc.  If you wear clothing that enhances your natural look, believe me, others will notice.

4.  Be the best you, you can be.  Have you ever known someone who, at first glance, didn’t appeal to you, but as you got to know them better, their great personality made them look better?  Well, it’s true when searching for a job.  If you are a positive person, let others know it.  If you have a great sense of humor, fuse it into your job search.  By being the best you, you can be, it can transform any opinion others may have of you.

Until next time….