Do You Have “It”?

Written by Bernie

Bernie Frazier, SPHR is the Founder and President of CAREERCompass, LLC, a speaking and career coaching firm in St. Louis, MO. She also spent almost 25 years recruiting talent to six organizations across four industries and led the talent acquisition function for four of those organizations, including one global team.

Yes, do you have “it”?  Not everyone has “it,” but you certainly notice “it” when you see “it.”  So, what is “it”?


That intangible quality which lets people know the person with “it” is someone special.  They walk into a room and command attention.  When they speak, they’re like E.F. Hutton – people listen.  They exude a certain charisma, charm, and confidence that makes people want to be around them; makes people want to follow them.

When looking for a job or to climb the corporate ladder, this can be a very advantageous trait to possess and display.  Companies always want to hire people who they feel are confident and savvy.  They always want people who come across as leaders; as influential.  Often times, the difference between the people who get hired or promoted and those who don’t is presence.  It’s how they stand, walk, talk, gesture, respond to tough questions and situations, and even position themselves in a crowd.

People with presence don’t shy away from small talk; they delight in it.  Yet, if they don’t say a word, you still notice them.  They know how to smile without looking ‘cheesy,’ and they know how to make you think.  Their attire is crisp and neat, they communicate with confidence in their own words, they know how to maintain their composure under stress and not let you see them sweat, and they have the ability to connect with people on more than a superficial level.

If you are looking for your next job or striving for a larger assignment with your current employer, but not having much success, it may not be your resume, it may be your presence.  Examine yourself and ask others, “Do I have it?”

Until next time….