What Does Your Public Image Say About You?

Written by Bernie

Bernie Frazier, SPHR is the Founder and President of CAREERCompass, LLC, a speaking and career coaching firm in St. Louis, MO. She also spent almost 25 years recruiting talent to six organizations across four industries and led the talent acquisition function for four of those organizations, including one global team.

Lately, I’ve a spent a little more time than usual on LinkedIn scouting for talent.  I must admit, I’ve been a bit taken back by some of what I’ve seen.  A number of profiles I’ve come across have been downright unprofessional.  This would certainly be okay if I was checking you out on Facebook, but LinkedIn is a website that’s truly reserved for professional use.  Either people don’t realize this site is reserved for professionals, or they just don’t care about the image they portray.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you need to visit Olin Mills and spend a fortune on photos or make your profile completely boring, but neither should you have the photo of your friends and you over-indulging in alcohol!  You also shouldn’t use risqué e-mail addresses such as sweetcheeks@___.com or sexylove@___.com as your e-mail address on professional sites.  Wow!!

If you are looking to find a job, be very careful of the image you portray to the public.  You never know when some unsuspecting recruiter like me will visit your profile and leave because we don’t like what we see.

Until next time….