What’s Your Plan for Success?

Written by Bernie

Bernie Frazier, SPHR is the Founder and President of CAREERCompass, LLC, a speaking and career coaching firm in St. Louis, MO. She also spent almost 25 years recruiting talent to six organizations across four industries and led the talent acquisition function for four of those organizations, including one global team.

Think back to the last big vacation you took – the one that was longer than a weekend getaway and took some effort to pull off.

Now, as best you can, think about the month (and year) you started planning for this vacation.

Then, think about the month (and year) you took your vacation.

Lastly, think about how long the vacation lasted.

While you’re doing that, I’ll use mine as an example:

  • Started planning in January 2022
  • Vacation started October 2022
  • Vacation lasted 10 days
  • Nine months of planning for a 10-day vacation

Now, I want you to do the same for your vacation – figure out how many months of planning you did and how long the vacation lasted.

Consider this – the average person will work AT LEAST 40 years as an adult. At least!

How much planning have you done?

Again, I ask what’s your plan for success?

Until next time….