My Favorite Interview Questions

When I speak before groups and work with clients on interviewing, I always tell them how important it is to practice before the interview.  Unless you’re a seasoned interviewer or keep your entire work history in the forefront of your mind, you must practice...

Interview with Your Gut

In today’s job market, it’s very easy to understand why someone will take just about any kind of job they can get to pay the bills.  However, there can come a time in your search where unless you’re truly desperate for income, you may want to pause before accepting an...

Next Time, Take Miranda to Your Interview

“You have the right to remain silent.  If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law….”  These Miranda rights statements are generally read to every person in the United States who is being...

Why Should I Hire You?

Even though this is a basic interview question, I’ve always been amazed at how poor candidate responses are to it.  I’ve heard everything from, “I’m a very hard worker” to “I like people” to “I just love the products your company sells.” Don’t get me wrong, there are...

Interview Even if You Don’t Want It

Should I….shouldn’t I….should I….shouldn’t I?  There usually comes a time in most careers when you have to decide whether you should spend time interviewing for a position you really don’t want.  My answer, yes you should!  The recruiter side of me says, “Noooo, don’t...

Interview with Your Pants On!

For decades, recruiters have used the telephone to conduct initial screens with candidates.  This allows everyone to save time and money.  However, as technology has continued to progress over the years, we have seen interviewing progress as well; The Jetsons have...