Easing Back into the Workforce

Unfortunately, millions of people have had the displeasure of experiencing what the U.S. government calls long-term unemployment (nine months or longer).  The good news, many of these folks have been able to bounce back.  However, if you have obtained gainful...

Show Me the Money!

While millions of Americans are still searching for full or any meaningful employment, there are indeed many people finding decent jobs out here.  While the news overall could be better, at least there’s been some progress.  For those of you still on the hunt and...

The 4 Ps of the Job Search

When I talk with people about our undergraduate college days, most of us agree that there’s very little we remember about the actual class work we did; most of our memories come from what we did outside of the classroom.  However, for me there’s one principle I do...

My Favorite Interview Questions

When I speak before groups and work with clients on interviewing, I always tell them how important it is to practice before the interview.  Unless you’re a seasoned interviewer or keep your entire work history in the forefront of your mind, you must practice...